How does a renter view their tenant screening report?

‍A prospective renter can view their application and screening report. They can see the same items the reviewer sees, giving the renter a complete picture of their application.

Most reports will be available within 24 hours of application submission and payment by the prospective renter; however, if a report has not been generated in 48 hours, please contact our chat support.

To view the tenant screening report, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the "Log-In" button
  3. Click on your "Profile" name in the header to expand a drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the "Applications" tab.
  5. Once in the applicant portal, click “View My Report”.A renter on the 'applicants' page highlighting the 'view my report' button
  1. Review the application information or click the “Credit,” “Eviction,” or “Criminal” buttons to view more information. The Criminal and/or Eviction Report(s) are only available in certain markets. A renter viewing their application report after clicking the 'view my report' button. The page highlights the three different report buttons: credit, eviction, and criminal

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