A prospective renter can view their application and screening report. They can see the same items the reviewer sees, giving the renter a complete picture of their application.
Most reports will be available within 24 hours of application submission and payment by the prospective renter; however, if a report has not been generated in 48 hours, please contact our chat support.
To view the tenant screening report, complete the following steps:
- Go to www.RentalBeast.com
- Click on the "Log-In" button
- Click on your "Profile" name in the header to expand a drop-down menu.
- Click on the "Applications" tab.
- Once in the applicant portal, click “View My Report”.
- Review the application information or click the “Credit,” “Eviction,” or “Criminal” buttons to view more information. The Criminal and/or Eviction Report(s) are only available in certain markets.
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