To stay FCRA compliant, only the reviewer can view an applicant's application and screening reports. However, a tenant agent or listing agent (not set as the reviewer) can track and view the status of a renter’s application. They can see if the application has been started, is in progress, or has been completed.
If your MLS/Association is a partner with Rental Beast, complete the following steps to review the status of an application:
- Go to your MLS website and log-in to their dashboard.
- Locate Rental Beast on the main dashboard as a tile or in a drop-down tab (IE: Search).
- Click on the tile or link to be automatically redirected with SSO into the Rental Beast dashboard.
- Click on the “Application” tab.
- Click on the listing to expand the field to show any applications a renter client has started or completed.
- The status of any Rental Beast application can then be reviewed.
If you do not want to complete steps 1-3, go to, click "Log In", and select the appropriate MLS icon.
If you are affiliated with a non-partnered MLS or a Property Owner/Manager, complete the following steps to review the status of an application:
- Go to
- Click on the "Log-In" button
- Enter your email and password and click the "Sign In" button
- Click on the “Application” tab.
- Click on the listing to expand the field to show any applications a renter client has started or completed.
- The status of any Rental Beast application can then be reviewed.
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