Do I need to specify the rental requirements for approval on my listing(s)?

While it is not required to include the criteria for approval, it is highly recommended. Including your approval criteria can help reduce the number of unqualified applicants by being transparent.

To include this information, complete the following steps from your Rental Beast dashboard: 

  1. Click on “MyListings” tab.
  2. Click on the listing you want to update and click on any of the four “Pencil” icons.
    A listing on the MyListings page with the listing details expanded to the four buttons to edit a listing
  3. Click on “Applications” and in the “Application Procedure” field, type in details on the application process, documents required for a decision, and criteria for approval.
  4. Click “Save and Continue” to update the application settings.

Listing agents or prospective renters can find any included information in the listing details.

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